Retirement Plan Administrators

Your Privacy Is Of The Utmost Importance

At Pension Consultants, Inc. (“PCI”), the privacy of our clients, their employees, and our employees is of the utmost importance. Given the nature of our business, we collect and retain on a regular basis confidential information about our clients, their employees, and our employees. Such information includes Social Security numbers, dates of birth, wages, addresses, account balances, and census information. We safeguard all of this personal information by keeping all paper files with such information in a single location in a secure office within a secure building; requiring visitors to be escorted at all times while in our office; and requiring our employees to sign-in and sign-out files containing personal information. All electronic files containing personal information are kept on a secure, encrypted website. We do not send electronic files via email and instead send them only over our secure, encrypted website.

With regard to Social Security numbers in particular, we have adopted the following policies and procedures to protect the confidentiality of the Social Security numbers in our possession, to limit access to such Social Security numbers, and to prohibit the unlawful disclosure of such Social Security numbers:

  • Intentionally communicating or otherwise making available to the general public an individual’s Social Security number is strictly prohibited.

  • Printing anyone’s Social Security number on a card that the person or entity must use to access the person or entity’s products or services is strictly prohibited.

  • Requiring anyone to transmit his or her Social Security number over an unsecured or unencrypted connection to the Internet is strictly prohibited.

  • Requiring anyone to use his or her Social Security number to access the Internet, without also requiring a password or unique personal identification number or other authentication for access, is strictly prohibited.

  • Access to Social Security numbers is strictly limited to employees with a business need to access such information. These employees may not disseminate Social Security numbers to any other employee or to any third party, except to fulfill a necessary business function of PCI, to further an authorized transaction, or to comply with a court order, service of process, or other applicable law.

  • Paper documents containing Social Security numbers must be destroyed prior to disposal.

  • Electronic records containing Social Security numbers may be transmitted only via an encrypted website.

Teamwork • Compliance • Trust

Bill, I just wanted to tell you personally what a fine job you and your staff have done for us pertaining to our 401(k). Pension Consultants has promptly and efficiently taken care of all the various items for our 401(k) Plan. We have never had anything that wasn’t done in a professional manner.

R. Hopkins, Braxton Manufacturing Co., Inc.

© 2020 Pension Consultants, Inc.